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Writer's pictureSfe. Ambassadors

August-October 2019 Tasks

Hello Ambassadors,

Good job to all of you for doing your tasks extremely well and being role models!

But before I go any further, want to clear up some mistakes that happened in the previous tasks from some of you,

Please read the tasks given and point division carefully. Some of them who had done really well forgot to do one or two of the specific sub-tasks, like say educating about the balanced diet, or sharing your poster, etc about endangered animals on social media or showing it to your relatives, friends, etc and educating them about it, etc. So, due to that mistake points were lost.Please post all your tasks on the website itself. For the first month, we have accepted a few people who had technical issues and have counted their tasks but from next month onwards, only those tasks uploaded on the site will be counted. 

Please find the updated points here:- . Have given points exactly according to the point division given along with the tasks sent during July 2019. So, you can recheck if you have any doubts. If there are mistakes, please do email us with the correction and exact task wise point division according to you.

As earlier announced, your ambassadorship finishes by end of October 2019. Also we know some of you have exams in September/October, etc. Hence, we are sending all the tasks upto October together in this email. You can complete the tasks as you wish at your own speed during the 3 months.

For Tasks 1 and 2, there are some special instructions:-

When creating posters of the events, have all necessary details and the event should be organized under the name of "Students For The Earth" and you can put your name as ambassador/Event coordinator on the poster.You can do them individually or as group involving other ambassadors. You can connect them via online and co-ordinate if you are far or live in different countries. You can also coordinate in person if you both are from same area or country and plan it together. You can find email ids of all ambassadors above or you can contact them by posting your idea on the website and getting ambassadors to discuss there, etc.Doing individually gives you the same points as told. But doing as a group involving other ambassador, you get extra points of = 20x No of Ambassadors involved, eg, if 2 ambassadors together do it, you get 20x2 = 40 points in addition to the points already advertised. So the total point is say 50+40 = 90 points.  The points will be given equally to all the ambassadors involved. But please make sure everyone must post a seperate article regarding the same because experience  of each ambassador will be different.You are free to use the Social Media handles of Students for the Earth to promote the event. For the same, you can send a message to our Facebook page,  . But, only posts regarding the event you are planning is allowed. No other posts. If you post anything else, post will be deleted, your permission rejected and the task will be disqualified. Necessary permissions must be obtained from concerned authorities if you are planning to organise a offline/outside event. Sfe. will not be responsible for any problems that occur. Ambassadors will be wholly responsible for the events organized. For online events, you don't need to take permission since it will happen through an online platform globally.Sfe. is ready to provide participation certificates and winner certificates which you can use to issue under your signature as an Sfe. Ambassador for the events you are organizing. We will provide the designs on request. You can email the certificates to the participants / winners via email. No printing allowed.Theme of Tasks 1 and 2 can be related to environment protection, or humanitarian activities or celebration of any international days or observances.Task 1:- 

"Online Activity"

Conduct an online activity, eg, A Online competition, eg, Painting, Writing, Quiz, Video, etc, or anything else which comes to your mind. We can post the posters on the Facebook page of Students for the Earth. Contestants can either take part directly on the page or can email you their creations on a newly created email id for the same. You can post the entries on Facebook if you want to choose a winner by voting . Or if you want to judge and choose your winners, create a good panel of judges (you should not be a part of the judging panel). Or you can have two sets of winners, one from popular voting and other from judging.

You are free to set the deadlines, etc, but everything including result announcement and certificates must be completed before the deadline date given below.

Points:  For doing the task = 50 points (if event not conducted properly, we need not award the full 50 points)

Additional points,

For doing as a team of ambassadors = 20xNo of ambassadors involvedBased on number of entries/participants:- 2 x No of participants  (For obtaining the additional points, please mention the number separately as a point  towards the end of the post)

You can do the task any number of times and increase your points. For example, you do two online events, you can get (50+Additional points for 1st event) + (50+Additional points for 2nd event).

Task 2:-

"Offline/Outside activity"

It can be a competition, awareness programme, etc as you wish. Please obtain necessary permissions as written above.

Points:  For doing the task = 50 points (if event not conducted properly, we need not award the full 50 points) Additional points, For doing as a team of ambassadors = 20xNo of ambassadors involvedBased on number of entries/participants:- 2 x No of participants  (For obtaining the additional points, please mention the number separately as a point  towards the end of the post)

Task 3 :-

Write an article on who is your role model for you being an Ambassador for Students For The Earth. Write an article about that person or personality on how he/she is a good leader/human being/visionary/a role model, etc and how he/she has inspired you in no more than 500 words. 

Points:- 20 (For writing the article) (If article is not written interestingly and clearly on how the person has inspired you, we need not award the full 20 points)

Task 4:-


It needs to be something new, a revolutionary idea you think can :- i) Make people more aware about protecting the environment or ii) Get more people into volunteering or community service or  iii) Get more students to develop their talents and hobbies along with their academics You need to create a video/poster about it which we can share on all our social media platforms and it would be judged by a team.  We would be presenting Sfe. Change Maker Awards 2019 accordingly to the best Mega Projects.

Points:- For participating by posting your mega project :- 30 points

There are no special points for winning the Change Maker Awards 2019 to the Sfe. Ambassador Programme.

Deadline for all the Tasks 1-4 is 30th October 2019 !

So, Ambassadors, Lets #BeTheChange! :) Regards, George Zacharia Founder and Chairperson

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