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🌱Eco-friendly travel🌱

All of our summer holiday high points are usually spent in our vacation spots, be it a simple, family 'n' fun- filled trip to our home-country or an overly indulged trip to a new holiday destination.😊😊. This year though, I am going to be one of the people who will stay in Dubai, (HOTHOTHOTHOT 🔥🔥). But that doesn't mean you have to stop #EcoTravel. There are lots of ways we can reduce on our carbon footprint 👣. No one, NO ONE, hear me, is going to languish inside their house, whiling their our away in front of their television or in front of a book, you will most probably be whirling between malls and parks(actually, I think it's too hot🔥 for parks💭💭). So get these tricks🎉🎉up your sleeve and conserve the cold blood in you (wow, that came out wrong, I mean the mammal type, not the, you know...) 1) CARRY YOUR OWN WATER💦 Any one here who's guilty of buying bottles of water one too many times, please raise your hand(✋✋😅😅). Coming on a serious note, the sounds of 'its only one bottle', may as well deafen the planet. The amount of plastic bottles used by people because of sheer ignorance could drown the oceans at its peak. Let's face it, how many times have we wasted precious time, money and worse we the planet by buying those irreplaceable plastic bottles? Carry these thoughts and a water bottle along with you with you when you step out of your home this summer. 2) REDUSE PLASTIC PACKAGING🔰🔰 Be it tiffins boxes, gifts for international friends and family, or even those chocolates in our bags, the omnipresent plastic is the wrapping for all of these.😔😔.The question WHY? is forever imprinted in our minds but is a question seldom answered. Start using cloth bags and reusable napkins instead of that plastic😊😊. 3). USE CLOTH BAGS WHILE SHOPPING.👜👜 Plastic, the divine intervention that supports our existence, right? If an alien alighted on Earth, he would indeed believe so, such is the extent of plastic usage in our world. This summer, when we go for shopping, let’s keep a couple of cloth bags in our car boot. Don’t use plastic bags when shopping and simply use those cloth ones. Spread the word😃(and the hashtag) #EcoTravel #BeTheChange

The water is with me, anywhere and everywhere

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