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In many countries , people depend on animals for a living.An Ivory weighs more than 23 Metric Tonnes-a figure that represents 2500 Elephants-was seized in the 13 largest seizures of illegal ivory in 2011.Rhino poaching was 13 in 2007 and then 1004 in 2013 with increase of 7700% in South Africa.Rhino horns are more costlier than gold and Vietnam, China,Thailand and Korea are some of the countries where they sell tusks and horns in markets and the rhino was poached the most in the year 2015 with 1249 rhinos poached and killed.The Government of India made a new law in 1972 that poaching animals or illegal wildlife trade is a crime and UK in 1828.

Most of the people hunt elephants for its skin and for its tusk which costs a lot so people get money to live . But,They do not remember that animals are living beings like us and will hurt them too.The United Nations are making new organizations to protect animals like the CITES.Some of the initiatives we can do is that- For Non Vegetarians,try your maximum to not eat meat Do not buy elephant tusks and other animal accessories Give Awareness Grow animals in your house Until then see you next time!

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