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Shradhdha Kannappan


Travel is everyone’s dream, whether it is a city, village, mountains or beaches.

When we think about travel the first thing comes in our mind is transport. A brilliant mode of travel to use is EcoPassenger.

Here comes the most important task - “What to pack?” Travel requires eating out, drinking out and carrying items that we wouldn’t carry normally and sometimes buying out items. To limit both physical and environmental impact its good to carry reusable items. Pack green-of course the dresses are reusable. Sip green- I always keep a reusable bottle to fill drinking water. Carry green- I make sure to carry a reusable bag for shopping.Get around green- I get public transport rather than hiring a taxi or hire a bicycle to visit places.

I make sure not to waste resources.

I will always have respect for local culture.

Iam flexible and keep sense of humour when things go wrong.

I stay in local hotel and eat local food.

I buy local products.

Live Green And Travel Green...

Shradhdha Kannappan

Students For The Earth Ambassador

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