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Writer's pictureDhanvanth Srinivasan

#Save.Segregate.Support. nature from our recyclable waste(resources).

Updated: Jul 18, 2019

Have you all ever thought about trying waste segregation? No? Well here is my experience practicing it and some points on why you should right start now.

Brought up and educated in Dubai, we have been taught and mentored on the need to preserve our resources. I am a proud member of the Emirates Environment Group,Dubai, an environmental organization that encourages us residents to reduce,reuse and recycle efficiently.

Therefore, I collect plastic waste, paper waste and wet wastes(i.e fruit and vegetable or kitchen waste). We deposit the first 2 at EEG,Dubai for recycling while the wet waste is used to form of compost, an excellent organic nutrient source for our plants growing in our mini garden. Not only do we be more eco-friendly, but now we can also monitor the amount of waste unnecessarily generated by our indiscreet uses of resources.

Now, some of the great advantages of waste segregation are:

- It makes recycling possible,especially the more fiendish plastic waste. 300 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated globally per annul. Currently 12 billion tonnes of plastic waste chokes our Earth's landfills. As known, plastic takes a long time to degrade, while releasing toxins. Based on this, there is a great chance that the oldest piece of plastic still exists.

- Paper waste is monitored : A household can collect up to 12 to 16 kilograms of newspaper

every month. 40-60 kg of paper is generated by a tree. Recycling paper for 4 to 5 months is equivalent to saving a tree.

- Your own organic fertilizer: Kitchen waste such as vegetable and fruit peels are a great source of generating nutrition for our green little friends. Their compost form is an efficient source of organic nutrition for plants. Our daily waste is a major component of landfills, but due to mixture of them along with plastic waste, it is not efficiently converted into compost. Hence Home composting is the best way to recycle your kitchen waste

So dear readers, i hope this blog would have been an highlight on how useful it is to segregate waste. Please do share the message of


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