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TASK 1:-“Online Activity 1”

Activity Conducted : - DRAWING

Event Conducted by : - “Students for the Earth” ambassadors

[Madhav Manoj Vachali,

Shreyas Krishna P.S].

No: of participants : - 7

Along with my friend Shreyas, I created a Save Amazon Forest Art competition. We are very much interested in art and saving the environment. Once I saw the burning of the Amazon forest I was really sad because in the future I want to go to the Amazon and plant trees there and also save the animals. I thought about creating a competition to get everybody involved. Shreyas also had the same idea as me, so we created the poster and launched. All the participants had to do was take a photo of their drawing and send it to us. We had 7 participants. The participants’ pictures showed that they care about saving the Amazon forest. I really enjoyed creating the competition. To make a competition we should know the subject thoroughly. So it made me read more about Amazon forest fires and I also made a 3D model on forest fire to make my classmates aware on it.

By SFE Ambassador. Madhav Manoj Vachali

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