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Sainath Manikandan

Task 4 - Mega Project - H.E.L.P (Help the Environment, Love the Planet)

We live on a blue planet, with oceans and seas covering more than 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface. Oceans feed us, regulate our climate, and generate most of the oxygen we breathe. Oceans are facing threats as a result of human activity. Every year, an estimated 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in the world’s oceans. The forefathers of Abu Dhabi owed their living to the waters of the Arabian Gulf and it continues to teem with life. One of the world’s largest and densest colonies of dugongs live here, as do many seabird colonies. Several hundred thousand migrating shorebirds visit each year. Abu Dhabi also hosts approximately 110 of mangroves. But these waters and the plant and animal species within them now face immense threats, on several fronts due to plastic pollution. My campaign aims to reduce the carbon footprint.


I raise awareness in my school and community by giving pep talks and presentations. I go in for beach cleanup, desert clean-up campaigns organized by Environment Agency (EAD) and Day4Dubai to keep our environment clean and to emphasize the importance of reducing wastes and follow 3Rs.

I am a YOUNG TIMES Panelist and write articles for Young Times Magazine (Khaleej Times) for preserving and protecting the ENVIRONMENT.

I innovated a robot, M-Bot Cleaner (Marine Robot Cleaner) to provide vital protection (in a sustainable manner) to the marine habitats as it removes the waste from the surface of the water bodies. The purpose of my project is to preserve our marine environment. I am working towards SDG14, which aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

I also innovated a robot Agribot that supports SDG 2- Zero Hunger. It is a robot used to assist farmers in hot countries to plough the soil, sow the seeds and cover the seeds with soil.

I am raising awareness in my school with a student density of 3,300 students. Most of them have been inspired and have joined me in this initiative of PEPC campaign and H.E.L.P.

Together we can create a wave of change.

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