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Shahriar Shaik


The concept of waste-segregation was not unknown to me. But I hadn’t tried it before.

So, I just searched the internet for a clearer concept about waste-segregation and got to know many things. Now I applied my gathered knowledge on my household. I talked to my parents about this and they also encouraged me.

I collected two boxes. One is for organic wastes whereas the other is for inorganics. I made colored wrapping for better identification.

There were dustbins in my house beforehand but not one fore waste-segregation. All types of wastes were used to be thrown in a single dustbin. Now among my two bins green one is used to put the organic wastes which will be used for the production of compost as a bio-booster. And the red one is for inorganic wastes which will be disposed to the perfect dustbin. Actually it has made the waste management system of my house easier.

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